This simple white button down dress single-handedly reprogrammed years of thinking for me regarding fashion taboos. I have always been someone who would obsess over wrinkles in my clothing, particularly whenever I wore white.
Somewhere along the line, I got it into my head that wrinkles were sloppy and therefore not presentable.
Recently however, I have come to have a new appreciation for the slightly wrinkled look. I like to call it island chic—effortlessly, on purpose. I love this look for the same reason that I have been using all white bedding for over a decade—it reminds me of vacation.

All the more fitting because this button down dress is actually a cover up that I have simply repurposed and dressed up as a city weekender outfit.
Summer is practically over, and I will not pretend that I am not excited to finally be going into my favorite seasons [fall and winter fashion is just superior]. But I am glad to have experimented more with my look this summer, mixing and matching and straying from the arbitrary rules I once considered fashion law.
My favorite part? Save for the dress, these pieces work for a number of different seasons and climates. Check below for all my outfit details.